As a popular e-commerce website, Shopify is great for people looking to sell merchandise. To buy things on Shopify sites, people have been using autonomous social software. However, a strict no-script system secures the platform from all sorts of dishonest activity. If you plan to work with Shopify automation, you need to be prepared for strong security checks. With Dexodata geo targeted proxies, you can make your autonomous program look like a real person and do whatever market research you’re about to do.
Legal proxy network
1M+ whitelisted IPs
User-friendly & flexible
Expert support
Choose the best proxies for your case
Mobile Proxies
Real mobile IPs from worldwide 3G/4G providers
Grouping by ISP
Flexible, compatible, high anonymity
Free trial
Residential Proxies
Real whitelisted IPs from ISPs around the world
Geo targeted
100% network compatible
Free trial
Datacenter Proxies
Pre-selected and tested server and companies' IPs
99.9% uptime
Country, state and city targeting
Free trial
Choose your pricing plan
Mobile Proxies
0.3 per port
Minimum order 100Mb from $1.31
Dynamic mobile proxies are real mobile IT users IP addresses. They are highly trusted by websites, social media and search engines
Grouping by provider is possible
Place an instant order on the panel
Change an external IP address by API, time settings, or change it every time you connect.
Residential Proxies
0.3 per port
Minimum order 100Mb from $0.73
Dynamic residential proxies offer homeowners’ and public Wi‑Fi IPs
Maximal disguise as a real user and an opportunity to avoid bans and restrictions
Grouping by country, city, provider
Place an instant order on the panel
Change an external IP address by API, time settings, or change it every time you connect.
Datacenter Proxies
0.3 per port
Minimum order 100Mb from $0.37
Dynamic proxies from VDS/VPS providers and legal entities’ IPs
Intended for specific missions that require disguising as servers
Place an instant order on the panel
Change an external IP address by API, time settings, or change it every time you connect.