Evaluating ML-based models: Main metrics and methods

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Technologies involving artificial intelligence constitute a significant part of modern businesses’ portfolio. Surveys show that half of companies use AI for at least one corporate purpose, and most of them succeeded in ML-driven analysis. Based on specially selected datasets, machine learning requires the best datacenter proxies, residential or 4G/LTE IP addresses. Dexodata as a reliable infrastructure for elevating data analytics’ level, offers access to ethically acquired and maintained intermediate solutions for corporate and startup needs. Proxy free trial is available along with a full-pledged dashboard, geo targeting and API-compatible methods.

Considering the range of spheres leveraging AI-based algorithms the necessity to buy residential and mobile proxies for machine learning is explainable. Today, we clarify the evaluation of ML-oriented models’ effectiveness.

What is evaluation in machine learning?

The main goals of any AI-enhanced technology can be reduced to the credibility of the following actions:

  • Selection of required informational details from given arrays
  • Elements’ categorization
  • Detection of interrelations between categories
  • Revealed logics’ implementation for processing new informational bulks.

Accuracy from 70% to 90% is acceptable for reliable neural mechanisms, depending on the application scope.These numbers are lower than the uptime of HTTPS proxy lists one buys for SEO or scraping needs. The overall technological scale, however, permits such a discrepancy.

Machine learning evaluation means choosing and applying particular metrics reflecting the levels of accuracy, performance, scalability, and reliability of current processes.

How to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model?


How to collect data for machine learning properly?


Web data harvesting through the best datacenter proxies precedes the main instructional phase. The applicable scraping tools vary. These could be bundles of urllib.request and BeautifulSoup Python libraries or Requests-HTML and Pandas, etc. Using Java for collecting web insights is a common practice too. The main quest is selecting values and features we want a machine to process.

The following step implies a mandatory split of obtained internet knowledge into three sets:

Dataset type Description
Training AI absorbs machine-readable text or visuals, learns to define parameters and predict further patterns according to them
Validation Developers set up hyperparameters via Bayesian optimization, grid search, etc. and compare distinctive models
Testing ML-based tool works with new arrays of information while engineers estimate its total effectiveness

Cross-validation is useful for phases two and three. It means recurring work with different data subsets toward disposal of randomness’ bias. The imposed condition is to buy residential and mobile proxies in sufficient quantities for repeated online info collection. Strict AML/KYC compliance eases the future application of ML-algorithmic systems. Proper selected metrics are crucial for distinct evaluation.


What are machine learning metrics?


Metrics are parameters showing the machine learning effectiveness. Data analysts leverage metrics in an integrated manner, as they complement each other in receiving an objective state of the ML-driven model.

Revealed imperfections influence further tuning actions. Whether it is crucial to buy HTTPS proxy lists for further data enrichment or apply existing Information arrays. Accuracy acts here as a particular part of complex performance’s estimation. Its measurement relies on the model classification method, while the model evaluation method is commonly leveraged for monitoring performance. These concepts and their indicators are interlinked with each other and previously mentioned datasets’ split.


How to measure the performance of a machine learning model?


Machine learning model evaluation comprises internal and external observation. The first takes place during the training stage, while the second operates after its deployment. It is necessary to buy the best datacenter proxies from ethical ecosystems to access geographically determined information from target sites for recurrent performance checks.

Model evaluation rests on the following metrics:

  1. Recall, number of successfully identified cases (e.g. descriptions and dates for automated scraping systems, human faces for computer vision, etc).
  2. Precision, amount of elements which were competently predicted by the trained algorithm.
  3. F1 Score, ratio of previous characteristics.

Additional performance-evaluated metrics are common for model classification as well, hence we describe them further.

How to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model?


How to measure the accuracy of a machine learning model?


Accuracy shows the share of entities detected successfully by an NLP model or categories and tags predicted on their total number. This is a measure of the overall machine learning ability to detect classes of information the model processes.

Finding classes, tagging them, and predicting the affiliation of new forms to particular groups forms the essence of accuracy. It is measured through model classification. No matter whether structured or raw data is affected, HTTPS proxy list you buy for work or SOCKS5.

Specificity and sensitivity are unique classification metrics. They are complementary aspects of the model's accuracy. There are two classification types, binary and multi-class, which differ in the number of classes revealed by the AI-enhanced program. They both rely on the confusion matrix.


What is the confusion matrix?


The confusion matrix considers the results of conclusions made by a machine-learned tool and presents them in a tabular form. Depending on which instance is defined correctly, the required or unrelated one, it is measured by one of two metrics:

  1. Sensitivity, if the model has detected the positive class accurately.
  2. Specificity, when identified units refer to the negative class.

The table below summarizes the confusion matrix specifics:

Metrics Sensitivity Specificity
Purpose Correctly chooses instances of the positive class Correctly chooses instances of the negative class
Rates True positive (TPR) False positive (FPR) True negative (TNR) False negative (FNR)
Elements Classes predicted correctly  Classes predicted incorrectly 

Positive instances

Negative instances Positive instances for actual negative values Negative instances for actual positive values

Confusion matrix in binary classification obtains a graphical representation via ROC and AUC Curve metrics.


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Performance and accuracy of the ML-driven technologies engage even more indicators, including MAE, MSE, R-squared for regression methods, and more. No need to apply all of them as they measure related ML-enhanced model’s characteristics. The result depends on the project’s specifics, objectives, and intermediate tool-set. 

Buying residential and mobile proxies from the Dexodata infrastructure improves the AI-involved data analytics. Order a free proxy trial to lower the model bias or data drift reducing the necessity of recurrent machine learning cycles.


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