Raising accuracy of machine learning models in 4 effective methods

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Wide AI-based models application will be one of the top data collection trends in 2024, experts say. Ethical trusted proxy websites, including Dexodata, are extending their intermediate capabilities, optimizing API methods’ and third-party software support to comply with growing demands. Dexodata assists enterprises in e-commerce, SEO, market research and other fields focused on raising ROI and minimizing costs.

The expenses on developing accurate machine learning-enhanced technologies, however, stay high. Costs are projected to reach $500 million by 2030 showing a five-time increase. No wonder, engineering teams strive to buy residential IP pools and datacenter ones for a reasonable price starting from $3.65 per 1 GB at Dexodata’s.

Raising accuracy of machine learning is another measure of cutting down the expenditures, and there are a range of methods to do so.

Ways to improve accuracy of machine learning models

The primary goal of ML-driven models is to define text or visual objects correctly, and determine them as belonging to defined classes. Then the artificial brain uses obtained knowledge to predict further outcomes on new information amounts. Accuracy differs from precision and recall of the particular AI-enhanced framework. As geo targeted proxies raise the relevancy of extracted internet insights, the further ways improve machine learning models’ accuracy:

  1. Hyperparameters fine-tuning
  2. Strategic regularization
  3. Cross-validation
  4. Refining data quality.

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1. Hyperparameters fine-tuning


Hyperparameters are basic machine learning settings adjusted by developers, unlike variables the AI-driven system changes on its own during the training, e.g. coefficients. Fine-tuning includes choosing the most suitable hyperparameters and setting them up to optimize performance and raise the objects’ detection accuracy. Hyperparameters include:

  • Learning rate, for a robot to decide the intensity of training.
  • Number of hidden layers, to determine the number of teaching types and stages — convolutional, pooling, etc.
  • Number of trees and depth in a random forest, to set up various decision-making algorithms.
  • Regularization strength, to put restrictions on type or number of considered features, and reduce model’s concretization.

Leaning on information — internal or gathered online via geo targeted proxies — fine-tuning of hyperparameters implies:

  1. Grid search, when engineers try all possible combinations of settings.
  2. Random search, with unsystematic characteristics’ conjunction.

Self-taught programs can act on their own as well, selecting hyperparameters on the basis of Bayesian optimization.


2. Strategic L1 and L2 regularization implementation


L1 and L2 regularization are techniques useful for keeping the balance between common and specific features of the class:

  • L1 regularization encourages the AI-driven computer to focus on the most representative features. Lasso regression adds a penalty, which bases on the absolute values of the objects specifics’ to take into account only essential meanings. Buying residential IP addresses works similarly for collecting geo-determined web insights.
  • L2 regularization concentrates on a variety of objects’ attributes and keeps the balance between them through Ridge regression. It introduces a penalty based on the square of the weights, which avoids extreme values for a single feature, and promotes a more balanced machine learning approach, especially in computer vision principles of operation.

How to improve machine learning accuracy: 4 methods


3. Cross-validation implementation


Cross-validation is a way to test a machine learning model’s performance with new material. Engineers split data into different parts, training AI on most of these samples and applying one for checking.

This technique helps in preventing overfitting. Overfitted ML-driven algorithms are too sensitive, so they focus attention on bias, noises and fluctuations rather than main patterns. Cross-validation assists in lowering the variance, simplifying the model and diversifying training datasets formed with geo targeted proxies’ implementation.

The cross-validation main methods include:

  • K-fold, taking a new group of information as validation set with every iteration.
  • Leave-one-out, implying the same fold as a testing one during multiple training cycles.
  • Stratified, perfect for imbalance classes, as every fold here is chosen equal at representing the overall dataset. 

The choice of a cross-validation approach depends on how large the initial assets are and how many classes they contain.


4. Refining data quality


Machine learning accuracy lies in direct correlation with the quality of information provided to AI as teaching assets. For scraping-involved procedures, data enrichment performed through a trusted proxy website is one of possible actions. This is essential in analyzing market trends, raising online presence, formulating business forecasts and other cases requiring external online content to process. Other data refinement strategies are:

  1. Data cleaning: detecting and addressing missing values by removing such instances or imputing them. Or looking for outliers that may distort the model's understanding.
  2. Exploratory data analysis (EDA): leveraging histograms, box plots and other visualization techniques to reveal the distribution of each feature in a dataset. Or exploring the interactions between features and identifying highly correlated ones.
  3. Dealing with imbalanced info: applying synthetic data along with oversampling or undersampling, for balancing class distribution and improving data analytics level.
  4. Consistent formats assurance: checking that all data types are consistent across features.
  5. Data integrity verification: revealing anomalies in assets used for ML, and checking for duplicates.

The mentioned schemes for raising accuracy of machine learning models do not include techniques such as generating new features, label encoding, etc. They suit complex, multi-layered AI-driven algorithms, as well as the Dexodata ethical ecosystem suits for any internet info extraction procedures at corporate level. Buy residential IP pool access, adjust traffic amounts, and set up automation through API methods. Request a free proxy trial for a fully-featured testing access, and stay up-to-date with the latest in machine learning.


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